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I am a Consultant Ophthalmologist specialised in vitreoretinal surgery and diseases of the retina. Through training and over 25 years of experience, I am an advanced cataract surgeon with recognised leadership and training roles in these fields.
My NHS practice is based in Ayrshire and the Golden Jubilee National Hospital in Glasgow. I strive to offer the latest, evidence based treatment for my patients. I am fortunate to be in an exciting and evolving field of medicine and have contributed to this process with innovations in surgical technique and protocols. I have over 80 papers, publications and posters based on this work at various national and international fora. Besides research projects that I have conducted, I have also been the principal investigator in international multi-centre research trials for drugs and treatment protocols.

I have an extensive experience in cataract surgery, particularly in complex situations of co-morbidity and extremes of refraction. I have published and presented on ophthalmic anaesthesia and carry out cataract surgery under topical (needle free) anaesthesia. I offer the complete array of intra ocular lens implants such as multifocal and toric, delivered through microincision cataract surgery with the aim of achieving a bespoke refractive status (please see the link on the last page).
I enjoy teaching and as the Royal College Tutor, co-ordinate and implement post graduate training in our department and sit on the West of Scotland Post Graduate Training Committee. I am also in charge of training at the Golden Jubilee National Hospital, where more than half of all cataract surgeries in Scotland are carried out. I speak at courses and seminars for ophthalmologists, optometrists and nurses nationally and internationally. I have authored teaching material and training modules for the Royal College of Ophthalmologists and the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. I lead courses in the Skills Lab at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists and am on the faculty at the European School of Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology.

I have held senior management posts, having been the clinical director for the department of ophthalmology in NHS Ayrshire and Arran as well as been the Chairperson of the Medical Advisory Committee at Nuffield Health, Glasgow. I have advised on panels for government, medical industry and non governmental health organisations. I chaired the group that developed the standards for cataract surgery for Healthcare Improvement Scotland. These standards will form the basis on which healthcare facilities carrying out cataract surgery are assessed.

I regularly travel overseas to carry out voluntary cataract and retinal surgery in countries such as Nepal, Ethiopia, Belize and India. This forms a significant portion of my annual professional output.
Outside my profession, my interest is in all things aviation and I hold a private pilot license.